The Naturehike Cloud Up 2 Person Tent is an exemplary choice for those who value lightweight and durable outdoor gear. Here are the details:
Look and Style: This tent sports a sleek, modern dome design, which not only looks appealing but is also practical for outdoor use. It comes in a stylish green color, providing a nice blend with nature's scenery. The tent has a free-standing structure, which means it can be set up easily without pegs if necessary, though pegs are included for added stability.
Feel: The tent is crafted from 20D nylon, which is both lightweight and resilient. The material offers a smooth, almost silky feel, ensuring it's easy on the skin when setting up or taking down the tent. The tent's interior has a breathable mesh layer, giving it a comfortable, airy feel inside, perfect for preventing condensation.
Materials Used:
Tent Fabric: Made from 20D nylon with a silicone coating, enhancing its waterproof and windproof capabilities.
Poles: Constructed with 7001 aluminum alloy poles for durability and lightweight performance.
Floor: A 150D polyester floor offers additional protection against the ground's moisture and abrasion.
Color: The primary color of this tent is a vibrant green, which not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also helps in visibility in natural environments.
Packed Size: It compacts down to approximately 15.7" x 5.1" x 5.1" (40 cm x 13 cm x 13 cm), making it extremely portable for backpacking.
Pitched Size: When set up, it measures 82.7" x 49.2" x 41.3" (210 cm x 125 cm x 105 cm), offering enough room for two people or one person with gear. The tent includes a vestibule for extra storage or gear protection.
Manufacturing: This tent is made by Naturehike, a brand known for its quality outdoor equipment. It's manufactured in China, where Naturehike ensures quality control to meet international standards for camping gear.
Additional Features:
Double Layer Design: Provides excellent ventilation with an inner mesh tent and an outer waterproof flysheet.
Included Mat: Comes with a matching footprint to protect the tent floor and extend the life of your tent.
Ease of Setup: You can expect to set this tent up in under two minutes, thanks to its freestanding design and intuitive system.
This tent is perfect for those looking to balance comfort with minimalism on their outdoor adventures, whether it's hiking, backpacking, or camping
is adapted: YesModel number: Naturehike Cloud Up Tent
Capacity: TwoArea: 270x120x100cm (106.2x47.2x39.3 inches)
Dust: NYLONStructure: One Bedroom
Bottom Waterproof Index: >3000mmSeason: Three-season Tent
Outside Tent Waterproof Index: >3000mmStyle: OUTDOOR
Pole material: Aluminum alloyLayers: DOUBLE
Building Type: Construction Based on NeedType: 1 - 2 Person Tent
Brand name: NaturehikeOrigin: Cn (Origin)
Packing Size: 13*40cm (5.1x15.7inch)General Use: Camping Tent
NetWeight: about 1.8Kg (3.9Lbs)Color: Army Green, Orange, Green